Thursday, May 2, 2013


Dear Irlanda Lopez,
                     Come visit Terra Nova! Terra Nova is the best and I do mean the best utopia around. Our rules are simple and effortless to follow. Here at Terra Nova, our main goal is to have fun hints our infamous slogan “Turn Down For What”. Terra Nova’s weather is phenomenal and is often compared to weather of the Mediterranean. Temperatures here rarely drop below 70 degrees. We have 12 beautiful long beaches at Terra Nova filled with lots of fun an activities to do throughout your day of fun in the sun. If you want to have a good time come Terra Nova!!!!!!
                           See Ya Soon! J

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Journal Entry #3

I went downtown in Terra Nova tonight. The lights are amazing all over the city. It has big, tall, and beautiful buildings.There are also street lights on. Me and my friends walked through the city together conversing about the latest news in the city. Then we decided to go to the most popular mall in all of Terra Nova. It's huge and it also has all the stores you can think of. When we first walked in the mall, we were amazed at the architecture and how it was built. We saw everyone we knew in all the stores and boutiques.We had an awesome time.

Journal Entry #2

Today I went to Clear Water Beach. The water was perfectly warm and the sand felt nice between my toes. It was free hour in the city, and I needed a break from all the chaos. I took a nice walk by myself. I also got a chance to think about some things without anyone interrupting me. I got tired of walking after a while and decided to finally get in the water. I was having an amazing time. Then, I got up and proceeded to tan. The sun was shining bright, it was such a beautiful day in the city of Terra Nova.

Declaration of Independence

          Today, we have a pretty good society. But to some people, this may not agree with their opinion. Some people may think that we need more freedom and rights. Today's society needs to pay more attention to what the citizens need, rather than trying to make decisions for us. When decisions get made for us, that makes the citizens feel like their freedom has been taken. They also get very upset.
          We feel like we need to make a "more perfect" society because we want to give people an idea of what they really want in a society. They want fun and freedom. We also want some discipline and structure in our society. The U.S. Declaration of Independence states, "For imposing taxes on us without our consent." Here at Terra Nova, we don't make our citizens pay high taxes. We only tax them on things that are necessary. When we do impose taxes, it's at a very low price. At Terra Nova, we pledge to keep all of our citizens happy. :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Terra Nova's Rules

   1. No sad/Bad day (Terra Nova is a happy place and we strongly encourage the  happiness of our citizens)

 2.No waking up before 12 (Sleep is greatly appreciated and needed at Terra Nova)

 3.No Texting and Driving (We like to keep our people safe)

 5. No grades below 85 (We hate C’s here at Terra Nova )

 6. No bad food ( Disgusting food is not grown here at Terra Nova)

 7. Express Yourself (We want all our citizens to fell like they can dress and look the way they want)

 8. No skipping school or work (productive and efficient citizens are a must)

 9.Always Turn up! ( We want all our citizens to make the most out of every single moment)

 10.Never say never (We want all citizens of Terra Nova to be hopeful of their future, and never doubt themselves or their abilities)

Journal Entry #1

Today I went to school late. Everybody stared at me when i came in. I was expecting Ms. Johnson to scold me, but she didn't.  She just told me to take a seat and get started on my work. Everybody was surprised at the day before, because Morgan came in late and she was sent to the principals office. Later that day, she didn't post her selfies on Instagram and everybody assumed she left the city all together. I proceeded to go to my seat when the principal came in and told Ms. Johnson that she was fired. Then I noticed that all her things were packed up. It was as though she wanted to get fired. When she was on her way out the door, she screamed, "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!!!" Then the whole class started acting wild.


Terra Nova, the name of our utopia means "new land" or "new earth" in Latin, Galician, and Portuguese.We chose this name because it fits the feel and the look of our wonderful utopia. :)


12:00 A.M- Wake up
1:00 P.M –Hygiene (Shower/Bath)
1:30 P.M Brunch (Breakfast /Lunch)
3:00 P.M through whenever you want to leave (School/Work)
4:00 P.M Coffee, Lattes, or smoothies with friends
5:00 P.M Dinner W/ family (optional)
6:00 P.M Instagram Selfies
7:00 P.M Quick Naps
9:00 Start getting ready for the long night ahead
10:00 P.M. Hair Makeup etc.
11:00 P.M Heading Out
12:00 – 3:00 A.M Party!!!!!
4:00 A.M Deep peaceful sleep

Monday, April 29, 2013

Governing Body

Terra Nova is an Anarchy . In our government, people still have rules to follow but the people themselves make up the rules. There is no need for a strict government because most people might rebel against the government so in this society, the people make the rules and everyone is at peace.

The Motto

"Turn Down For What!!!"

"Turn Down For What" means that when the people of Terra Nova get hyper and excited, we never calm down. It may take a while for us to get back to our normal happy selves.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Terra Nova's Animal


This venemous black snake represents Tera Nova .
It is our most prized utopian animal. It symobolizes wisdom and rebirth.