Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Terra Nova's Rules

   1. No sad/Bad day (Terra Nova is a happy place and we strongly encourage the  happiness of our citizens)

 2.No waking up before 12 (Sleep is greatly appreciated and needed at Terra Nova)

 3.No Texting and Driving (We like to keep our people safe)

 5. No grades below 85 (We hate C’s here at Terra Nova )

 6. No bad food ( Disgusting food is not grown here at Terra Nova)

 7. Express Yourself (We want all our citizens to fell like they can dress and look the way they want)

 8. No skipping school or work (productive and efficient citizens are a must)

 9.Always Turn up! ( We want all our citizens to make the most out of every single moment)

 10.Never say never (We want all citizens of Terra Nova to be hopeful of their future, and never doubt themselves or their abilities)

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